4 common data problems in the public safety and national security sector

And how to tackle them

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Been told to use AI but not sure how… or if you should?

Planning on creating end-to-end machine learning based applications? That’s the dream. But your data needs sorting first. Our cross-functional teams can wrangle your data, model the machine learning, automate the training and implement the front-end system to host it – all backed by citizen’s needs. Helping you deliver and make decisions at pace, in real-time.

Centralised analytics teams block progress

A mesh-enabling data platform will help project teams develop data analysis skills. Our experts can help by implementing new ways of working and ensuring the right tools and ownership are in place for data product creation and sharing. We can help build a data strategy for this, supported by a governance platform for better and secure access, discovery and accountability.

You need help boosting your tech and skills

Our data transformation team can help build a change in the data culture within your organisation. This could be an opportunities assessment, help to create a data strategy, support an apprenticeship programme or even a skills academy – we’ll provide a roadmap and work with your technical staff to upskill or cross-skill existing expertise.

You’re looking into the quality of your data and how it’s stored

Collecting data about your data is crucial for understanding what you have and when you should use it, especially when looking at predictions of security threats. A governance platform will present that metadata, identify the location, tell you the condition of your data, and areas for quality improvement.

Data services

Unlock the potential of your data to build smarter, faster services, achieve better outcomes for your users, and enable truly predictive government.

Find out more about how we can help