Defining outcomes as a product team

How defining outcomes can help a product team collaboratively discover, identify, collate and rank what they should do and enable them to perform effectively and happily to ensure outputs are tied to those outcomes.

The world beyond the Academy ?

Several engineers, including myself, joined Made Tech via the Academy. It’s a 12-week programme that the company offers to teach passionate learners the best software engineering practices in the industry.

Being an Introvert in an Agile working environment

Agile working environments often include open plan offices, close-knit teams and lots of impromptu discussions. Encouraging collaboration both between developers and with other business people is a great way to aid producing valuable software.

Connecting loved ones: building the NHS Book a virtual visit service in 48 hours

The simple digital service enables ward staff to book in calls which we hope will reduce the burden on staff having to do this manually and reduce the number of calls to wards from loved ones. From the loved ones perspective they receive an SMS stating when their virtual visit is booked for and receive a unique link to join the call when the ward is ready.