An inside perspective of the Made Tech Academy

At the time of writing this, I’m in the latter half of the Made Tech academy process, so I figured I would write about the experience so far and why the scheme is invaluable for people who have some technical skills but are trying to get started within the tech industry.

How do we solve a problem like lack of diversity?

Just over a year ago, I wrote about the lack of diversity at Made Tech and how it was something we needed to work on as a business. We’d recognised our ‘ignorance’ had led to inactivity in identifying problem areas, but once we’d accepted our failures, we had to stop being passive bystanders and actually take active steps to address them.

Privilege Bingo

Intersectionality, BAME, cis, anonymous hiring, inclusion. These words are likely not on your ticket if you are playing privilege bingo. Like a canary in a coal mine, a lack of understanding of these concepts will likely mean your daily actions reinforce systemic discrimination.