AI readiness isn’t just about tech. It’s about culture. Discover why your organisation’s ‘Frustrated Creatives’ could be your secret weapon.
#Artificial Intelligence (AI)
AI might be the new toy, but data governance is key
Attendees at a recent Government Transformation Magazine event all agreed that good data management should come before AI to deliver the best results.
ChatGPT: what the public sector needs to know
Let’s take a look at large language model artifical intelligences. Are they suitable for use in the public sector? Here’s everything you need to know to make an informed choice.
Turning numbers into narratives
Data science isn’t just about crunching numbers. According to James Poulten, Lead Data Scientist at Made Tech, it’s about creating compelling stories from the information.
The case against centralised teams for data governance
A traditional approach to data governance can hinder the progress of AI and ML. Federated governance provides a new perspective; focused on principles rather than processes.