Jack Ricketts, Chris Blackburn
Please join us every Thursday in April at 2pm for a 45-60 minute session on aspects of our new Building Safety Levy service.
Register for upcoming events and view recordings of past events.
3 April, 10 April, 17 April and 24 April 2025
Jack Ricketts, Chris Blackburn
Please join us every Thursday in April at 2pm for a 45-60 minute session on aspects of our new Building Safety Levy service.
Stay up to date with all of our latest blog posts, case studies and upcoming events by subscribing to our monthly Made Tech Insights newsletter.
29 February 2024
Made Tech - The pipeline
Chasey Davies-Wrigley, James Poulten, Catherine Quilley
Is there a tricky data question you’re struggling to find the answer to? Check what our data transformation experts have to say.
8 November 2023
Made Tech - The pipeline
Catherine Quilley
Join us for the next on-demand session of The Pipeline where we explore if it’s possible to have too much data – and how data tools can help.
19 October, 4 October and 21 September 2023
Made Tech
David Eaton, Fraser Trickett
Watch a showcase of our Housing Repairs product and find out how our product provides an easy and complete reporting service to housing tenants.
20 September 2023
Made Tech - The Pipeline
Chasey Davies-Wrigley
Principal Data Engineer, Chasey Davies-Wrigley shares the value behind transforming your data.
19 July 2023
Made Tech
Fraser Trickett, Alex Hodgkiss
Join our webinar to hear about our discovery into communal housing repairs.
20 June 2023
Digital Leaders, Made Tech - The pipeline
James Poulten
Catch-up on our talk at Digital Leaders week 2023 – all about synthetic data techniques to support data-driven insights in the public sector.
20 April 2023
Made Tech
Steven Sampson-Jones
This on-demand online workshop explores what design sprints are and how they work remotely, using practical and interactive examples.
8 March - 9 March 2023
Housing Technology
On 8 March to 9 March we’ll be in Nottingham for the Housing Technology conference. Come and say hello!
9 February 2023
Made Tech
Reuben Hillyer
In this on-demand webinar we went through considerations and challenges teams might be faced with when decommissioning a platform.
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