Modern slavery statement
Financial year ending 31st May 2025
Prepared by Chris Blackburn
This statement is published in accordance with Section 54 of the Modern Slavery Act 2015 and describes the steps taken by Made Tech Group plc and other group companies to prevent modern slavery and human trafficking in our business and supply chains.
About us
Made Tech Group plc comprises a number of group companies – Made Tech Ltd. and Made Tech Learning Ltd. (hereinafter collectively “Made Tech”). Made Tech is a provider of digital, data and technology services to the UK public sector.
Supply Chain
Our Supply Chain is relatively short – comprising a small number of external suppliers. Our suppliers are predominantly based in the UK, Western Europe, and the United States. We do not have relationships with suppliers or partners in territories without mature labour laws. We have conducted a full review and risk assessment of our supply chain; which identified very low likelihood of exposure to modern slavery, given our supplier groups as defined below:
- Providers of best in class, globally recognised Software as a Service (SaaS) platforms to support the running of our business
- Third party contractors to support the running of our business and the delivery of services to our clients
- Professional services providers such as legal, audit, and accountancy professionals
- Real estate services providing a mix of serviced and unserviced offices
- IT equipment providers and services to support the provision and running of our technology estate
- Recruitment agencies to support the hiring of permanent and temporary staff
In 2023, we started to conduct annual supplier assessments with all strategic suppliers of services in our supply chain and reviewed copies of modern slavery statements made by all of our major SaaS suppliers. In 2024, we have expanded annual supplier assessments to all key suppliers of any service, and made identification of modern slavery risk a compliance component of procurement of any new strategic or key supplier.
In these responses, we continue to find no evidence of modern slavery in our supply chain.
Going forward, we will look to develop a supplier code of conduct, and continue to ensure that our people are trained and aware of the issues around modern slavery.
Our People
Made Tech carries out employment checks prior to employment to ensure potential employees are legally allowed to work in the UK. We do not employ people under the legal minimum age and ensure that we are meeting all minimum pay requirements.
As part of our onboarding process, we ensure new starters are aware of and understand our business policies. We support colleagues to raise concerns about poor working practices through our: bullying & harassment policy, grievance policy, Employee Forum Representatives, and occupational health services including a confidential employee assistance programme.
We maintain a published whistleblowing policy with defined recourse for anyone to report any suspected breaches of our Anti Slavery and Human Trafficking Policy.
Our commitment
As set out in our published Anti Slavery and Human Policy, Made Tech remains committed to ensuring there is transparency in our own business and in our approach to tackling modern slavery throughout our supply chains. We expect the same high standards from all of our contractors, suppliers and other business partners, and as part of our contracting processes, wherever possible we include specific prohibitions against the use of forced, compulsory or trafficked labour, or anyone held in slavery or servitude, whether adults or children, and we expect that our suppliers will hold their own suppliers to the same high standards.
This statement has been approved by the board.
Chris Blackburn
Chief Operating Officer
September 2024
Last amended: September 2024